match the picture to the word

Match the picture to the word

Match the picture to the word
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In this picture, there are several objects labeled with letters of the alphabet, from A to J. Each letter corresponds to a specific object in the image. Starting with A, we can see a red apple sitting on top of a pile of books. B is a brown leather bag placed next to the books. C is a blue coffee mug with steam rising from the top. D is a black and white cat lying on top of the bag. E is a pair of brown eyeglasses resting on top of a book. F is a green fern plant sitting on the windowsill. G is a grey laptop computer open on the desk. H is a silver pen next to a notebook. I is a white iPhone resting on top of the desk. Finally, J is a yellow notepad and a pencil sitting next to the laptop. It’s interesting to see how each object has been strategically placed to create a balanced and visually pleasing composition.

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